Аппетитная, дерзкая развратница преподнесу любовнику райское наслаждение. Невероятно горжусь великолепной фигурой. Хочу дарить достаточно много будоражащих интимных штучек. Фантазирую раскрасить серые будни. Мои основные услуги: фистинг анальный, минет без резинки, эротический. Звони, когда захочешь, мой номер телефона . Не терпится увидать тебя. В моей компании будешь рад провести незабываемый час.
1 час: 2500 руб.
2 часа: 4500 руб.
Ночь: 9500 руб.
1 час: 3000 руб.
2 часа: 5000 руб.
Ночь: 10000 руб.
She’s a beautiful 20-year-old Asian girl with a very slim body. She has a very good attitude and she’s friendly and cheerful. I felt rather welcome. The only reason I’m giving 4 stars for service instead of 5 is because I had to wait outside in the cold for about ten minutes while I waited to be let in. Then, after that, I had to wait by the door for a few more minutes. However, as soon as I had spent time with this college-age beauty, I didn’t seem to mind, because the experience was truly a good one. It can’t get much better than this at such a price. There was another Asian girl in there that was equally as beautiful.